Chicagoland and Miami-Dade Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyers

Call For A Free Consultation 312-574-3362

Maximum Compensation for Injured People
No Fee Unless We Win Your Case

Holding Others Accountable For Their Negligence

Injuries suffered in auto accidents can leave your family in a really difficult position. Not only will you have to deal with the financial burden that results from the accident due to medical bills and missed time from work, but you also have to figure out what to do to best protect your case.

At Mark L. Karno & Associates, LLC, based in Chicago , our wrongful death and personal injury lawyers strive to take the worry out of your accident case, providing you with the legal advice you need so you can focus on what matters most: recovering with your loved ones or mourning the loss of a family member.

If Life-Changing Injuries Have Affected Your Family

Being involved in a car accident can change your life in an instant. Serious injuries that our attorneys commonly see in personal injury cases include:

Many of these injuries require long-term medical care, and some may result in disabilities that keep you from working and enjoying life as you did before the accident. We understand that you and your family never expected this kind of emotional and financial strain on your day-to-day living. We can help.

What Happens In A Wrongful Death Claim

There is nothing we can say that makes the pain of losing a family member in a motor vehicle accident go away. We know that this is perhaps the most difficult thing you will ever experience. What we can do, is make sure that the person who caused the fatal accident is held responsible for their negligence.

If the accident resulted in the death of your family member, a Chicago wrongful death lawyer at our law firm can help you explore the financial compensation that may be available to you under Illinois law. This can include compensation for the loss of companionship, future lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as any other damages appropriate for your case.

Experienced Lawyers | Maximum Compensation

Our accomplished trial lawyers have more than 30 years of experience helping those injured due to another’s negligence recover the compensation they need. We provide client-centered representation focused on your best interests in the case. We will never talk down to you or treat you like a number on a file. We will evaluate your serious injury and wrongful death cases and give you straightforward advice on your best legal options.

Our personal injury attorneys will negotiate on your behalf, and work hard at obtaining a settlement to resolve your claim before a lawsuit is necessary. If the insurance companies refuse to recognize the value of your case, we are ready to take your injury claim or wrongful death action to court.

Learn More About What We Can Do To Help

Contact Mark L. Karno & Associates, LLC today for a free case consultation with an experienced lawyer. Our attorneys represent clients throughout the Chicago area. Se habla español.

Our injury attorneys handle your serious injury or wrongful death lawsuit on a contingency fee basis. There are no attorney’s fees unless we are successful on your behalf.

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